Tuesday, July 26, 2011


If you are reading this you are probably coming from my old blog and you're probably my dad (hi dad!). This is where I will be blogging from now on.

If you're reading this and you're not coming from my old blog, hi I am Gabby! I am seventeen. I like to talk about the Food Network, vintage clothing, diy projects,films, and other stuff.

The title of this blog is a pun of my last name that I won't reveal to protect myself from the lurking predators of the internet, but if you're smart you can probably figure it out.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. im a fan of your blog!

  2. love this - but I'm wondering why you say "other stuff white people like." ??

  3. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/

  4. Sorry for any confusion! To clarify, I think all sorts of people like those same things I listed, but I was just making fun of myself for adhering so much to "stuff white people like" list.
